Israel’s inclusion of resident Arabs in its economy, politics & culture

[Introduction is coming]

2017 study documents ethnic & religious diversity in Israel’s health care system

Heroes of Health: New Report Examines Israel’s Healthcare System as Model of Jewish-Arab Coexistence, by the Inter-Agency Task Force, March 17, 2017. Excerpt:

In a report released on March 14th, the Israel Religious Action Center (IRAC) examines Israel’s health care system as a model of Jewish-Arab Coexistence. Whereas Arab citizens of Israel are generally overrepresented in low-wage and low-quality employment, and the majority of Jewish and Arab citizens have few opportunities for meaningful interactions, the health care system stands out for both its extensive integration of Arab professionals and for the strong working relationships among Jewish and Arab colleagues. The report was presented to the Knesset caucuses on Public Health and on Equality in Health.

In 2015, Arab citizens (nearly 21% of the population) accounted for 11% of Israel’s doctors, 14% of nurses, and 38% of pharmacists. In Israel’s health care eductational institutions, Arab citizens accounted for 16% of medical, 42% of nursing, and 43% of pharmaceutical students. In contrast, only 3 to 5% of Israel’s advanced professions (i.e.  high tech, financial, communication, scientific, design and technical services) were filled by Arab citizens.